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Corey Howard

They Started Doing It Again

Unplugging the earth

With pounds and grease

The sound is repeating

Like the tear of weeds from

Our own garden of fears

Look at this: one is nearly 

Healed. Without us,

Maybe it would have

Done it by itself

Maybe not, but it's

A nice thought

And isn’t that more 

Than what we currently have

To live for,

Us weeds,

Soiling ourselves in dirt

Across the realm

Of our capabilities.

But I do wonder

How much it hurts

To deroot oneself

I wonder if it’s

Too much to ask

The grower

To leave 

The holes be

For some while

Until filled in 

On their own


The Mountains Chatter


Of the dusk as it levels into the snow.

There’s whispering of why it’s happening,

Why dusk is so high up,


Where all is mostly unaffected.

The mountains chatter within the wind

And the wind always laughs on their backs.


So why now

Does the darkness break to more darkness?


Ask the dusk itself, over coffee,

Over a millennium of coffee and oats and dead things.

See what it has to say.


I don’t think it will be much. 

But then again, who is to say

Who crossed the imaginary line?


Maybe it was the mountains 

Who climbed through first,

And now, the slightest revenge.



Dark and spinning on top of the lights of eyes,

The future, won’t be so bright.

You blink, and nothing new passes by.

You blink, and thanks for that.


In the future no broken hearts,

Only spinning lights and Jupiter sightings.

The orange flowers outside of flower beds and stones

Entering empty driveways and beach fronts.

It’s almost like backyards that are familiar but are not at all.


Future light jackets in the summer time rain and no commanding officers

As if one needed reasons any more

To call out what one needs to call out.

Yelling now’s, a little different. Heavier. Stalled.

A couple books of matches unlit on a dusty brown desk.

Friends, old and young, dead or gone, in the light of it all, are

Not so sad any longer. I couldn’t tell you why but they’re not.


The future’s not so sick and tired anymore

Like coffee on someone else’s couch or roof or front porch.

Straining to turn around to see if there’s a light or not.


...and the hills are almost full here, man. 

There’s trash but mostly there’s people and they are full of something. 

Sometimes shit, but mostly kind, soothing words, and nothing.

You ride a bike down a hill and run over everyone’s nothing.

You blast a note from a trumpet horn and hear very little to nothing.


In the future we drink water from cracked chalices that refill when they’ve been drank.

Sure, there’s still wine. Plenty of it. And crackers with cheese

And a goddamn hole in the moon

When the sun came up one day and barrelled right into it.


We miss you here.

Here, we would’ve smoked weed together in peace and

In the grass we would have lain down together, 

and the moon would revolve us around our griefs

While styrofoam coffee cups bless our lips.

Corey Howard is a poet, chef, and musician living in Brighton, MA. He works too much and creates too little. He is the editor in chief of Mammouth Poetry, a monthly publishing site for poetry. His poems can be found in I Want You to See This Before I Leave Zine, Entropy, The New England Review of Books, Hollow, and others. He reads out at Bow Market each month, and supports local presses and mics as much as he can. He is 27 years old and swinging. 

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Mammouth Poetry 2019.

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